Amanda Capasso
Full Stack Developer based in CT


  • Built with:
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB

Twitch chat bot built with Node.js and MongoDB for DJ and twitch live streamer Andrew Fetch. beatza_bot can be viewed and interacted with when Andrew Fetch is live, typically Mondays and Thursdays at 3pm EST with additional days for special events. This bot utilizes MongoDB to keep two seperate counters for their respective commands across all streams. beatza_bot also makes use of numerous REST APIs to get stream related information, such as new followers, or to get dog facts and weather for a searched city. There are several timed messages to display links for donation, the Andrew Fetch discord channel and youtube pages as well as to list available gif and subscriber only commands. One of these subscriber only commands returns a random fact about pizza including pizza related Guiness World Records.

Animal Crossing New Horizon's Critterpedia apps built using React.

React app that displays game deals based on price, store or game name allowing users to find the lowest price before purchasing. Also displays free games for pc, browser, or this week's Epic Games freebies. Built using React and the Free-To-Play Games Database API as well as the CheapShark API. When searching by price the user is able to sort games by savings, store, low price, reviews or title. When searching by store the user is able to sort by savings, low price, reviews or title.

Farmers Market Search Engine app built with React as well as the USDA National Farmers Market Directory API and Zippopotam API. Searches for farmers markets in the area based on inputted zip-code, by default it displays farmers markets near New Haven, CT. Displays address and schedule as well as a link to a Googlemaps page for the location. Includes a list of items offered at each farmers market.

Multi-language night mode Dictionary with pictures. Built using React as well as both the Dictionary API and Pexels Api, this dictionary displays synonyms as well as audio for the phonetic pronunciation of the word searched.

About Me


Amanda is a certified front-end developer with server side development experience. Always challenging herself to learn new skills and techniques, she enjoys working on everything from desiging and building repsonsive websites for small businesses to developing Twitch chat bots for livestreamers. When away from her keyboard, Amanda can often be found baking up a storm in her kitchen, enjoying time outside working in her garden, or exploring nature with her dog Wyatt.

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